From time to time, don’t we all just find ourselves wishing that a dashing lycra-clad superhero would swoop in and solve our most pressing problems? Certainly, anyone trying to navigate the minefields of the contemporary American healthcare system probably shares that thought. From costly consultations to runaway bills and extortionate prescription prices, the nation’s medical status quo could definitely use an overhaul.
Excitingly, when taking a break from dashing through fictional minefields in his award-winning Hollywood projects, actor-director Enzo Zelocchi has made it his mission to make the American healthcare landscape far safer for us all to traverse.
He might not be donning a cape to get the job done (although, who are we to say) but he’s absolutely determined to be the hero. Zelocchi aims to utilize modern technology to democratize wellness for the masses. Reading like one of his action-packed scripts, the story will have you on the edge of your seat. Read on as we explore how a cinematic multi-talent branched out into the world of healthcare.
The Project No War Collects Awards as Zelocchi Pursues Entrepreneurship
Few will have missed the recent hype about No War, a staggering film set in recently war-torn Ukraine, following the daring escape of CIA agent John and Ukrainian child refugee Malen’kaya as they try to outrun the Russian military in a brutal post-apocalyptic landscape. However, what many may not have realized is that Zelocchi not only starred in the film’s leading role but also wrote, directed, and produced the project—a rare achievement indeed.
Unusually, it is nothing new for Zelocchi to take credit for so many roles on a single film. In fact, he’s been drawing critical acclaim for just that since his breakthrough masterpiece My Little Princess in 2010, which explored the story of a father and his terminally-ill daughter as they navigated treatment within the American healthcare system.
Over the last months, the daring creation of No War has earned Zelocchi a dizzying number of awards—84 and counting as I type these words—including for Best Actor at the Florence Film Awards, Milan Gold Awards, and Cannes World Film Festival; the Best Action Film award at the Las Vegas Movie Awards, and the Best Director Award at Cineddiction Spotlight Film Awards.
Undoubtedly, one facet of Zelocchi’s far-reaching global appeal is his own multicultural heritage and understanding. Born into a multi-national family in Italy, the dashing actor-turned-philanthropist and entrepreneur is of Italian, Russian, British, Spanish, and French descent. He has spent a lifetime moving between Europe, the United States, and beyond, forging strong bonds with audiences on different continents—and growing his social media following into the millions in the process.

Deciding to Become a Real Hero Rather Than Only an Action Star
Perhaps it is this long-cultivated empathy for a diversity of people that propelled Zelocchi towards a new healthcare venture. The seed for this dramatic professional divestment was sewn when Zelocchi was writing the story for his 2010 movie My Little Princess. As he put himself into the shoes of fictional young Jewish father Aaron as he tragically deals with the death of his wife and the illness of his daughter, Zelocchi came face-to-face with the harsh realities of seeking medical care in the United States today.
This experience provided the actor with an unusual insight into the struggles faced by so many Americans, who suffer unnecessarily due to a broken healthcare system that is unfit to serve. Thanks to his love for technology, Zelocchi began to realize that resolution is possible, but it requires a forward-thinking approach.
The result was the creation of a novel healthcare company, A-Medicare, with Zelocchi taking on a new kind of role—this time as CEO of his budding company, rather than as a movie heart-throb or action star.
So, what exactly is A-Medicare, and how will it solve the healthcare crisis that blights so many Americans? In the manifestation of Zelocchi and his team’s striking vision, the platform is set to utilize contemporary tools such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and blockchain technology to streamline and democratize American healthcare. Their vision includes a smartphone app through which users will be able not only to connect with various medical establishments and book consultations but also coordinate their bills and even monitor their day-to-day health metrics.
It is an ambitious vision indeed, but who better to bring into being a heroic solution to a real-world crisis than someone who has built his career on manifesting the impossible on screen? Learn more about A-Medicare today, and be sure to catch No War as it continues to show at major film festivals and in limited cinemas around the world.
Enzo Zelocchi – Afternoon in Paris
Enzo Zelocchi – “NO WAR” – Trailer