Filing for divorce can be a tough decision, and while you may believe that Wisconsin laws are simple and you don’t need an attorney, circumstances can be different. Every divorce is unique in numerous ways, and there is no one way of resolving conflict between couples willing to separate. If you are contemplating divorce in Appleton, your first step is to organize your financial information. Gather as much documentation concerning your assets and everything else you own with your spouse. As the next step, meet at least a couple of Appleton divorce lawyers to discuss the aspects of the case. Here are some signs that you need a capable legal team.
- You are fighting over child custody: Children often suffer the consequences of a divorce, and if you and your spouse are in agreement on how the kids will share homes, how you will be making parenting decisions and other aspects like child support, you can possibly manage alone. However, if the situation is otherwise, don’t make decisions in haste and talk to a lawyer for advice.
- You have considerable assets: You need to consider your current financial status before you file for divorce. When you and your spouse own real estate, joint accounts, and other assets, you need to ensure your rights are protected. A divorce lawyer can do that for you. They know exactly what it takes to come to a solution, and if that doesn’t work, they may recommend mediation and talk to financial experts and advisors.
- You are confused about the laws. Wisconsin is one of those states that allow for no-fault divorces, but other things, including the details mentioned above, can complicate things further. Also, there is a mandatory waiting period of 120 days, which is the minimum time you need to complete the process. Talk to an attorney if you don’t understand the laws.
- You need alimony. There is no bias when it comes to spousal support or alimony. Your lawyer is the best person to advise on whether you would qualify for that, for which your and your spouse’s financial statuses matter the most. Lawyers can also fight and work aggressively if they believe their client deserves more.
Finally, you should get a competent lawyer for your peace of mind. You can be assured that the legal team is around to support you during the evolving times, so you don’t have to worry about common mistakes.