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7 Examples Of Small Business Using Video To Build Their Brand

7 Examples Of Small Business Using Video To Build Their Brand

Videos are ruling the World. Nearly 83.3% of the content consumed online is in the form of videos. These figures are only going to see more incline in the upcoming years. We all have heard that content is the King. What we don’t understand is that Video Content is the Emperor. To sustain today, you cannot do without Videos. Every business, regardless of its size, is jumping to video creation. Here is how you can build your brand using videos.

1. Introduce your brand

Instead of those long paragraphs and catchy headlines, make room for videos. Introduce your brand in the simplest way to your audience. You don’t necessarily need to speak in person while creating a video. That is the best option. But some of us are camera shy. Instead, use graphics, animations and sliders to create an amusing video.

Your introduction video should cover everything about your brand, its products and services in a synopsis. Consider it as someone visiting your website for the first time. They have little understanding of your brand. A short 1-minute video would educate them about you. Not only would it leave them more informed than a text paragraph.

This Hubio video is a brilliant example of how introductory videos should be. They didn’t use any jargon or fancy language. They simplified the content and gave the best explanation of their brand in less than a minute.

Now, creating such videos requires more patience and skills than professionalism. But you can use any free Intro maker tool in the market that can help you get started with the introductory video. Who said only an expensive videographer or editor creates videos? And, if you take our word, even that investment would pay off. Trust us, a video would take you a long way. 

2. Establish trust.

We all check reviews before buying the product or service, right? Since we live in a digital world, establishing trust gets difficult. So, how do you scale your E-Commerce business or brand reputation? The answer is simple- Testimonials.

We all have got a habit of checking testimonials before buying any product. Now, think for yourself — would you trust a text review or a video review? You have an answer. Bring forth the video testimonials from your clients to establish a transparent brand image.

Video testimonials are relevant and induce quick decision-making. People on the other side of the screen feel connected to your brand. Now, isn’t that your ultimate goal?

This Adestra video testimonial is brilliant. They made a case study out of the review, and it seems super convincing. The video addresses the need and why one should use their services. We are pretty much convinced with the service offerings of Adestra after such powerful videos. Won’t you agree?

3. Educate your viewers

Knowledge is a powerful tool. Leverage it to create a compelling brand image. Educate your audience. Here are some ideas for creating an engaging series.

This Ikea tutorial video is an exceptional masterpiece. It shows how easy it is to work with their kits.

Find an answer to this. How would my customers get maximum benefits from my product or service? And you have a topic for your video educating series.

4. Tell your story

There are hundreds out there offering the same product and service as you. Your only point of distinction should not be your offerings. People are connected to a brand when they feel connected. And how do you do that? By telling your story. Whether it’s a startup or a 70 years old company, tell your story. How you started and where you are now.

This story of Gant tugs our hearts. Its pure intelligence while using emotions at the right place is apt. Every startup this day has a compelling story to tell. Find a script and create a video.

5. Show appreciation

Every brand exists because of its clients. From 1 customer to 10000+, always the loyalty and trust of customers make your brand the strongest. Thank Them. Not once but often. Make entry to their mailbox every now and then and tell them how grateful you are for them — drop in a special offer or two for them. Post an appreciation video over your social media platforms. Always give your customers the reason to remember you for good.

This Thank You video is excellent and takes the customer on a nostalgia ride. It’s gestures like this that makes the brand stay for long.

6. Turn your blogs into videos

There are so many simpler things that people are unaware of. If you have that extra knowledge, share it through videos. Don’t go on writing pages of blogs teaching them something. Instead, create an interactive video. Be genuine and simple. People don’t feel connected to extreme professionalism. They get attracted to simple things. And this is where you can earn brownie points for your brand.

Now, use these videos over the platforms your users are expected to be. For example- a fashion video would do good on YouTube or Instagram. Similarly, a tech video would be more appropriate for YouTube.

Make your content reach.

7. Use the power of culture

Do you have the power of culture at your back? Use it. There is a reason why Coffee from Colombia and Costa Rica is famous. These countries are known for their coffee plantations. Similarly, German technology is famous in cars for their safety. We trust such brands easily. Well, try to leverage that culture veto you have. It would make your brand more relevant.

In a nutshell, building your brand is entirely in your hands now. Begin  immediately if you still haven’t started using video for brand building. Start small. Start creating a content bank. Replace text content with videos. Heavily endorse it. Let people familiarise themselves with your pattern. And build for yourself a compelling brand image.

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