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How to Use Employee Productivity Tracker Tools to Drive Remote Business

How to Use Employee Productivity Tracker Tools to Drive Remote Business

The shift to remote and hybrid work has led many businesses to seek out employee monitoring and productivity tracking tools. While these tools provide valuable insight, using them effectively while maintaining employee morale requires thought and care. Harnessing Employee Productivity Tracker Tools for Enhanced Business Performance. This article explores best practices for implementing productivity trackers remotely to drive business success.

Know Your Goals

Before choosing any tracking tools, identify your goals. Do you want to confirm employees are working set hours or evaluate project progress? Are you struggling with communication and collaboration? Outline specific difficulties you want to address so you can select fitting solutions. Common goals with remote tracking include ensuring staff are:

Research Your Options

With your objectives defined, research tools available. Key categories include:

Time tracking – Records time spent on tasks like Controlio, TSheets, Time Doctor

Project management – Tracks project health using boards, charts, Gantt visuals through solutions like Asana

Communication – Slack, Microsoft Teams chat platforms capture constant communication

Screen monitoring – Tools like ActivTrak take screenshots and record activity during set work times

Consider capabilities, ease of use, data analytics, budget, and other factors as you assess tools against your most pressing needs.

Set Clear Expectations

Be transparent with staff as you introduce a new tracking regimen. Send emails and guides covering:

When expectations are clear, tools feel far less invasive. Provide straightforward value exchange increased visibility on productivity for increased flexibility with schedule, resources, professional development opportunities, etc.

Use Data Strategically

As analytics accumulate, interpret them strategically before taking action:

Data discretion prevents demotivating employees or prompting disengagement. Handle concerns patiently and privately while using positive data to reward good performance publicly.

Keep Evaluating Effectiveness

Continuously evaluate whether new tracking tools and techniques are working by:

Be ready to modify approaches or try alternatives if a system fails to provide value. Employees will perform their best when they feel heard, respected, and supported with technology they help validate.

The shift to remote work necessitated more creative management, including Employee productivity tracking. With clearly communicated goals, researched software options, transparent policies, strategic data use, and consistent evaluation, businesses can effectively apply monitoring tools to drive productivity and collaboration across dispersed teams. Maintain open dialogue, demonstrate value exchanged for visibility, allow reasonable flexibility, and keep adapting as needed.


When thoughtfully and ethically executed, remote employee tracking can pay dividends without sacrificing company culture. Employees want to succeed alongside organizations that respect their time, talents, and work life balance. Effective tracking strategies enable the visibility managers need while giving staff the freedom and resources to thrive.

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