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Cyber Security Best Practices

Cyber Security Best Practices

Every business, whether online or offline and in physical establishments must practice cyber security to keep out data breaches, virus attacks and similar unwanted intrusions.

Cyber security is more than just installing an antivirus software- today, there are more things that can be done to ensure you won’t become an easy victim.

Teach Awareness to Your Employees

Awareness should be the first step to addressing cyber threats. In a cyber security awareness training, your employees will get to know how to spot a possible threat and therefore prevent it from escalating further.

People should know that cyber threats exist in myriad forms and include phishing emails, SMS, links and social media posts. Hackers are getting better at what they do, but a misspelled word or a fake-looking URL can make all the difference between suffering through a downed website and continued operations.

Training and Tutorials

Cyber threats evolve almost every month, and as such it’s important for you to stay abreast of what’s happening.

Cyber security tutorials should bring you up to speed on how to deal with the latest cyber threats, and there’s more than one blog that you can visit to learn about possible backdoors and the latest schemes.

Change to Stronger Passwords

This applies to businesses, consumers and everyone else that has a connected device, such as a smartphone or computer. Changing your password is easy- just go to the website or app, then you’ll usually have the option to change to a more complicated one.

Enable Two Factor Authentication

Two factor authentication is a process where the owner’s device gets a prompt whenever someone is trying to log in using their credentials. As long as the hacker doesn’t have access to the account owner’s screen they won’t be able to log in. Enabling this on any applicable login is highly recommended.

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