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4 Ways Tech Improves Our Health Everyday

4 Ways Tech Improves Our Health Everyday

Technology has made a big difference in making our daily lives more convenient. In the same vein, it’s also making us more health-conscious than before.

Here are shining examples of how we can benefit from mobile apps, wearables, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. You can also visit live long blog to learn about many things that can lead to better health.


Perhaps the most popular form of wearable is the smartwatch, a device that’s able to track calories, steps, heart rate and if you’re sitting down for too long.

Wearables have a benefit of being omnipresent, which means you can always check your health in terms of wellness, dietary and fitness aspects, among others. The good thing is that technology is always evolving and thus we get more accurate readings and even predictive science so we can get alerted on life-threatening conditions.

Healthcare Apps

Every day we use an app for work, entertainment, play and of course, to ensure better health and well-being. Aside from educating yourself as you read more, using an app can help with health monitoring and taking ownership.

Mobile health apps benefit us in a variety of ways, ranging from simple (alerts us to drink more water or move around) to the complex (scheduling a doctor’s appointment). Sometimes it can act as a vital component to our health (such as prescriptions) or allow us to locate the nearest pharmacy.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence can be applied to just about any industry, including construction, fashion and even healthcare. Therefore, it’s no surprise that AI can make us healthier and live a longer life.

We’re just on the tip of the iceberg on AI and its possible application in the healthcare industry. For now, we can look forward to machine learning and personal assistants that utilize big data to come up with an accurate diagnosis.

Internet of Things

The Internet of Caring Things, or IoCT is a series of connected devices that work together to monitor the safety, security and both mental and physical well-being of an individual. In line with smart sensors and wearables, as well as analytic software the IoCT can prove to be an invaluable healthcare aspect in the near future.

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