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FUE vs FUT Hair Transplant – Which Is Better?

Hair Transplant

When it comes to hair transplants there are two popular choices- FUE, or follicular unit extension and FUT, or follicular unit transplantation. Each has its own process, as well as advantages.

Why Choose FUE Hair Transplant?

FUE hair transplants are more complicated and procedural as it takes small units from your scalp within the donor area, then spreads it across the affected thinning areas. The follicles are specially prepped, and the patient is saved from having to shave the donor areas before the transplanting method proceeds.

This method is best for those who want to continue having a short hairstyle. However, there may be soreness or redness for a few days, but this should pass.

Candidates of FUE methods can enjoy greater success as the hair transplant professional will only harvest healthy follicles. There’s also minimal scarring as they’re spread throughout instead of a single procedure. Furthermore, it offers faster recovery since there’s no stitching or skin grafts involved. Pain is significantly less compared to the FUT hair transplant method.

Why Choose FUT Hair Transplant?

FUT hair transplants involve linear scalp sections within the donor region, which is then divided and distributed to where it’s needed. This method doesn’t require the patient to shave his or her head although it will leave a significant scar on the scalp.

FUT transplanting is faster as it takes less work, and is ideal for patients who like to wear their hair longer. It’s also recommended for those who don’t want a significant change in their looks or appearances.

Choose the Best Hair Transplant Expert

Regardless of method, it’s best to choose a hair transplant expert that has years of experience. They can tell you which procedure will be best depending on your hair condition and other factors and can guide you through the hair transplant process quickly.

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