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Signs of Male Menopause and How to treat it

Signs of Male Menopause and How to treat it

Male menopause refers to the age-related fluctuation in levels of the male hormones.  These symptoms are also referred to as androgen deficiency, testosterone deficiency as well as late-onset hypogonadism.

Once men reach 50 years and above, their levels of testosterone production drop. In most cases, this drop in testosterone production is followed by hypogonadism. Both of these conditions arise as a result of low testosterone levels.

What is the role of the Testosterone Hormone?

Testosterone hormone is produced from a man’s testes. Increased testosterone production leads to increased sex drive. But low production leads to a low sex drive. The hormone is also responsible for men’s physical and mental energy.

Furthermore, it helps maintain muscle mass, regulates fight-or-flight response not to mention that it helps control other primary evolutionary features. Male menopause though different from female menopause causes a lot of sexual complications. Thankfully if you are a man and believe you have male menopause symptoms, you should look into treatment options, as there are clinics around that can help treat this condition.

What are the Symptoms of Male Menopause?

If you are experiencing the symptoms discussed below, then it’s obvious that you have reached male menopause. They include;

You can also develop other symptoms such as tender and swollen breasts, hot flashes, decreased testicle size, decreased testosterone levels, and loss of body hair. Low testosterone levels related to male menopause are associated with osteoporosis.  The latter is a condition that causes the bones to become weaker and brittle.

How testosterone Levels Change Over the Years

Before men reach puberty, their level of testosterone is considerably low. However, these levels increase as one continues to mature sexually. Testosterone hormone triggers all the changes related to male puberty. These are changes such as;

As the man continues to age, the testosterone levels start to drop. According to health experts, testosterone levels decrease by 1% every year after the man hits 30 years. Also, men with underlying health conditions may experience a drastic decline in their testosterone levels unlike those without underlying health complications.

How to Diagnose and Treat Menopause

To determine the levels of your testosterone, the doctor will collect a sample of your blood. But male menopause is not a cause for alarm if it’s not interrupting your daily life. You’ll be in a position to manage your symptoms without getting any treatment. Unfortunately, most men shy off from talking about their sexual life with the doctors. Below are common male menopause treatment recommended by the experts.

You only have to change your lifestyle to keep Male menopause symptoms at bay. But if you are experiencing severe symptoms such as depression, your doctor may give you antidepressants, recommend physical therapy, or hormone replacement therapy. Male menopause symptoms can be managed without any treatment. But if they are too severe, don’t hesitate to speak to a specialist.

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