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Best Game Genres for the Non-Gamer

Best Game Genres for the Non-Gamer

Taking up gaming as a hobby doesn’t have to be complicated.

Non-gamers can still have a lot of fun and explore what the industry can offer with genres that are tailor-made for them.

Here are the 4 best genres for those who are just starting out.

Online Casino

Even if you haven’t set foot in a real casino you’ll probably have an idea of what games you can play.

These include slots, roulettes and card games, and they’re beginner-friendly and intuitive. The mechanics are simple and you only need a few minutes to get the gist of a game.

The casino genre has really taken off in the online realm. Today, there are dozens of sites, such as gclub that simulate the feeling and excitement of a real game.

The best thing about it is you can stay at home and experience the thrill anytime you want.


It’s exactly as it sounds like- games that are so casual that anyone can get the hang of them.

The casual genre is simple yet have a depth that leads you to try one more time. There’s usually one goal, e.g., to get the highest score, the highest jump or become number 1 in the leaderboards.

Casual games are often found in the mobile platform and are enjoyable in quick bursts.


We’ve been hardwired to solve puzzles, so getting into puzzle games is easier than you’d think.

There are simple ones, such as match three types and there are puzzlers that take on classic forms, such as sudoku, crossword and more.

Mobile Games

Mobile games are lightweight apps designed to pass the time when you’re on the commute or just before you go to bed. Some, like royal online require a bit of strategizing.

Mobile games can be online or offline but they’re easy to understand and can be quite addictive.

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