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Can Office Vending Machines Boost Productivity?

Can Office Vending Machines Boost Productivity?

There are plenty of management tactics to boost productivity, and office vending machines are worthy of joining the list. Over time, work can become tedious and wear out a person’s eagerness to perform. A vending machine is a great solution to address this issue.

Aside from incentives and wellness plans, something as simple as installing a vendor can bring about a positive work environment. Vending machines for offices have plenty of benefits to offer, and here are some of them.

Improving workday productivity

An employee’s health and wellbeing highly influence their performance at work. You probably experienced it—skipping breakfast on a busy morning, making it harder to focus on a task. That’s why many experts believe that short breaks are a healthy way of re-focusing one’s energy to work.

According to a 2021 study by North Carolina State University, ‘microbreaks’ can increase their energy level. These occasional five-minute breaks motivate the worker to meet their work goals for the day. Now, what better way to achieve this than by grabbing a snack from office vending machines?

Automats for the workplace curbs an employee’s hunger and thirst, which fuels them to perform their tasks with vigor. It is quick to dispense food or drinks, which means it will not take away their time from work. The best part is that modern vending machines can display healthy food options that improve their wellbeing further.

More benefits of office vending machines

The convenience that vendors offer is next to none, especially for an office worker whose time is valuable. This machine offers quick and automated service, with easy payment options by QR code, card, or e-wallet. Here are some other advantages of installing office vending machines.

Energy boost

Some studies reveal that snacks and small meals every 3-4 hours can stabilize a person’s energy levels. A vending machine can conveniently maintain the employee’s daily diet to keep them energized throughout the day.


Workers can get their caffeine or snack fix in a matter of seconds from a vendor. That can save a lot of time compared to ordering food outside or preparing a meal or drink by themselves.

Keeping hydrated

Headache, dizziness, and tiredness are indicative of dehydration, which can significantly decrease a person’s productivity. Having accessible office vending machines filled with drinks is a great way to avoid this problem.

Enhance morale

Providing an automat within the premises is a simple gesture that shows care for the employee’s wellbeing. It can make them feel appreciated and valued, which motivates them to perform better at work.

Installing vending machines for offices

Office vending machines are advantageous not only to employees but to the business as well. It is a worthwhile investment that creates a chain of benefits starting with employee satisfaction. When they are happy and healthy, they become more productive. That’s the secret to hitting targets and achieving bigger business goals.

It’s good to consider installing a vending machine for your office, starting with finding the right provider. Reputable companies like have a range of machines specially designed for the workplace. From there, you can coordinate with their expert to discover the best solution that suits your company.

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