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10 of the Best Start-up Business Tips for 2022/2023

10 of the Best Start-up Business Tips for 2022/2023

Do you already have your business strategy in place? It’s vital to keep up with the trends if you want your startup to keep winning market share and give the big brands tough competition. Easy does it, but by implementing the right tips, you can scale your small business and become an established name. Let’s show you how you need to do it in the current business environment.

Find More Ways to Boost Brand Awareness

From the local community to your online, global audience, people need to see your brand more. When they get used to seeing you, they’ll accept you as an established brand, which can mean more trust in the company. You can use embroidery services Sydney companies trust for quality teamwear with logos, rent billboard space or spend on digital marketing—but get the word out.

Prioritise Marketing

In order to help brand awareness, make sure marketing is high up on the priority list when you’re talking budgets for the new year. You need to invest money to make money—it’s a cliché with lots of truth in it.

Build Your Team

Another area to prioritise is your team. Although startups must learn to survive and actually flourish with small teams, you must keep the future in mind. Slowly, you need to grow your team into a stronger group that has capacity to take on more work. That could mean training for existing employees, or allocating funds to create a new position.

Automate as Much as You Can

Another way you’ll increase your capacity is to automate parts of your workflows and systems. It’s vital if you want to provide the same quality work your competitors already do. The respected brands are known for efficiency in every department and automation can give you that same edge.

Automation is relevant for many departments and means you may not need fulltime employees for all tasks yet. You can get a lot more done, still with a small team. It also frees up your own time, to focus on important matters.

For example, automating bill payments means less time spent on accounting. And automatic replies to sales leads can result in higher sales numbers, without putting the team under more pressure.

Find Out the Latest on Tech

Automation isn’t the only benefit of the tech and digital age you’re operating in. Keep up to date of new technologies and gadgets that are relevant to your industry. It may be costly, but if it makes you more efficient or gives you the edge over a competitor, it’s worth it.

Rethink Packaging

Whether your packaging is new or a few years old, take the time to upgrade it. Make sure it’s different than all your competitors’ wrapping, boxes or containers, so no one will get confused about which brand delivers the best in the industry—you of course.

Furthermore, consider what your packaging tells people about the brand. These days people want to support companies that value sustainability. If you use recyclable materials in your wrapping, clearly state the fact on the exterior—it’s how you improve your public image.

Control Your Public Image

While on the topic, how sure are your that your public image is helping your sales figures?

In the current environment your audience is likely to listen to word of mouth but they also go online to find out more about vendors they consider supporting. So, what exactly is being said about you and your company online? If you’re not sure, start Googling! You may be surprised about the reviews and information you find. Is it all accurate?

If you find some negative reviews, don’t panic. Something as simple as making sure you reply to all complaints can help. It shows you care about people’s needs and you’re willing to help improve their experience of your brand.

Furthermore, make sure your employees benefit the image of the brand. The way they act towards clients is important, but also ensure they showcase professionalism by wearing custom work shirts when meeting customers.

Good Customer Service is Always Trending

Offering good customer service isn’t a new trend—it’s always been a priority. Why? Because it determines which customers will turn into loyal supporters. So, perhaps it’s time to audit your customer service process. Are you sure your receptionist knows how to make each caller have a positive experience of your brand?

Get a New Networking Strategy—Online and in Person

Apart from your image, you need to manage your online network better. Are there business forums you can join to meet possible partners, investors or B2B clients? If you build good relationships you can also ask companies in your network to vouch for you and act as reference. But you won’t build these relationships if you don’t grow your network.

Schedule Self-care Sessions

Enough about the company—what about you?

If the person leading the team isn’t doing well, it will affect employees and processes. Therefore, take time for yourself, find ways to deal with stress effectively and spend time with your family. Or perhaps you need regular exercise or a nice massage?

If you’re at your best, you can give the business your best.


10 tips—10 ways you can start changing the impact of your business. Make 2023 your year!

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