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Why DO People prefer reading E-books over the printed ones?

Why DO People prefer reading E-books over the printed ones?

Printed books vs. digital books is an age-old debate. People will always like both printed books and e-books (eBooks). As the number of people who know how to use technology grows, every service provider digitizes their services to serve this large group of digital users. Schools and businesses are turning more and more to eBook for training because eBooks are better at making learning and reading more interesting for their users. Here are the ten best ways to train employees at a company.

Since a long time ago, digital publishing has been a significant threat to print versions. But print publishers are still going strong, even though digital devices are everywhere and seem to be getting more and more popular.

When you compare the two, you’ll see that printed hardcover books are loved for their authenticity and how they feel in your hands, but eBooks are more useful and much easier to carry. Let’s look at some of the ways eBooks are better than printed books.

Here are the top few reasons why eBooks are better than paper books:

One device, many books: eBooks are easy to carry around because they are small and light. One eBook reader can hold thousands of eBooks, so you don’t have to carry around many heavy books. It takes up less room at home and in your bag. No one needs to worry about how much space they can use. Here’s a list of the nine best eBook readers that work on multiple platforms. This is why people love e-books these days.

 Content that can be shared: You can give the eBook’s content to more than one person. The social feature of an e-book makes it possible to share and like content, which you can’t do with a printed book.

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