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Thinking of a Pet For Your Condo? Here are 4 Ideas

Thinking of a Pet For Your Condo? Here are 4 Ideas

Bringing a furry member into your 8@BT condo is always an exciting moment, but before you do that it’s good to sit down and think about it. Aside from having a discussion with your family members, here are five more ideas you can float around to see if you’re ready for the joy and responsibility that comes with it.

Small is Good

While you can certainly get a bigger-sized pet for your condo, they won’t have much room to move around and can cost you more in the long run. Big pets are more likely to bump against furniture and cause damage compared to their smaller-sized cousins. Luckily, there are pets that are great to have in a condo due to their low-maintenance care and personality, so you can start with those.

Consider Their Needs

Having a pet comes with responsibilities, such as food, shelter, and maintenance. They may be cute, but you will need to take care of them on a daily basis. Ask yourself, can you take care of them and meet their needs? You should do the same with family members.

Attract Joy and Wealth in One Move

If you believe in luck and fortune, then having a small pet in your condo can achieve two things. A fish aquarium in the right spot is said to bring in good fortune. Do some research on which pets are considered lucky and consider buying one.

Make a List

Make a list of the pets you’d like to keep in your condo, then make a small ‘pros and cons’ for each. This will help you make a sound decision, and you’ll be less likely to regret having them over time. Once you have a decision, then go ahead and shop for prices and breeds, as well as toys and necessities.

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