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How to Make Your Bed More Comfortable on a Budget

How to Make Your Bed More Comfortable on a Budget

For anyone who’s spent many nights on a less-than-ideal mattress, they’ll attest to the importance of making a bed as comfortable as possible. Thankfully, making your bed more comfortable doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. Here are some simple tips for upgrading the comfort of your sleep space without breaking the bank.

Get the right pillows

The right pillow can make a big difference in how comfortable your bed is. The best pillows are supportive but not too firm, and they should keep your neck from straining or cramping. A good way to test this is by lying down on the bed with your head on the pillow, then lifting up and seeing if it stays where it should be.

If you’re having trouble finding a good fit for yourself, there are other options besides buying new pillows: try stuffing old clothes under the current ones; changing their covers; or using two smaller-sized pillows instead of one large one.

Use high-quality sheets

You can’t be comfortable in bed if you’re not sleeping on good sheets. It’s as simple as that.

If you’re looking for the most luxurious option, go with Egyptian cotton. Considered one of the finest fabrics in the world, these sheets are soft against your skin, breathe well so that they don’t trap heat, and last for years without losing elasticity or color vibrancy.

Egyptian cotton sheets are also more expensive than other kinds of sheets. However, the cost pales in comparison to most high quality mattresses.

Flannel sheets are another popular choice among people who want something soft but durable enough to stand up over time while still being affordable.

Get a plush mattress topper

A plush mattress topper is a great way to make your bed more comfortable on a budget. A mattress topper is basically like an extra layer of padding for your mattress, which makes it feel more comfy and cozy when you lay down at night.

You can get a mattress topper from places like Walmart or Target, but if you want something nicer (and slightly more expensive), there are plenty of online retailers that sell them as well. They’re easy enough to find online–just search “mattress” + “topper” or browse through some best-sellers in the category!

If money’s tight right now and you’re looking for something affordable without sacrificing quality too much, try getting one made out of memory foam instead; these tend to be cheaper than regular polyester ones while still offering similar benefits like improved circulation throughout the body while resting comfortably throughout bedtime hours.


If you’re looking to improve your comfort and quality of sleep without breaking the bank, try opting for new accessories rather than replacing the mattress itself. These accessories include things like high quality pillows, Egyptian cotton (or flannel) sheets, and plush mattress toppers.

With quality of sleep linked to so many aspects of personal health and well-being, having comfortable bedding is very important. Spending some money on the aforementioned items is a great long-term investment.

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