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Why and When to Change Your Home’s Air Filters

Not only is it important to understand when to change the air filters in your home, but it is also important to know why changing your filters is critical.

Why change your air filters?

HVAC air filters provide many benefits for your home. They help reduce mold, dust, allergens like pet dander in the air your family breaths. This helps increase the overall air quality of your home. Changing your air filters is also critical in keeping your heating and cooling systems working out they should.

When one of your air filters is clogged, it can reduce airflow in your home. This causes your HVAC system to work harder to take in air to cool/heat your home. When this happens, it can raise the cost of your utility bills and can cause your system to malfunction or break down entirely.

The air filter works like a mask you would wear during a home improvement project. At the beginning your mask is clean and fresh, working as it should. As the project goes on the mask gets dirty and it becomes harder to breath. The idea is the same with home air filters. A fresh new filter keeps your system running as it should helping your family breathe clean and fresh air.

Knowing When You Air Filter Needs to be Changed

It is important to know how often air filters should be changed. The general rule of thumb is that if your filter looks dirty, it is time to change it – no matter how long ago it was installed. Dirt can build up in different amounts over time. This means that the filter will get dirty solely based on the specifics of your home and system. We have created a list of general guidelines to help determine the best practice for your home.

  1. How often is your air conditioning/heating system running? You air filter will only clean air when your HVAC system is running. When your home air system remains dormant for long periods of time it means your air filters need to be replaced less frequently.
  2. What kind of filter does your HVAV system use? If you system used the 1-3” thick air filters, the average recommendation is that you change these filters at least every 60 days.
  3. Do you own any pets? If your household is also a home to a pet then that means your filters will also be filled with pet dander and hair. This will cause the filters to clog fasters. If you have pets, it is recommended that you change your filters every 30-45 days.
  4. Does anyone in your family have allergies? If allergies are a common occurrence in your family, you will want to change your air filters sooner thant that manufacturers recommendation. If an air filter gets clogged with allergens, it can start to spread dust and other allergens throughout the home. It is best to change your filters every 30-45 days.
  5. What is the air quality index in your area? If you live in an area that suffers from a lot of pollution or if you live near construction, all of that dust and bad air will get into your homne. This means that you will need to change your filters more often.

How to Remember to Swap Out Your Filter

When you know how often your system needs to be changed you need to set up a system that will help you remember to actually do it. Here are some tips for how you can remember to change your air filters.

Remember, the quick and simple act of switching out your filter can help your family breath easier and prevent issues with your HVAC system.

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