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4 Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make When Creating a Digital Business Card

4 Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make When Creating a Digital Business Card

The popularity of digital business cards has increased immensely over the last few years. The reasons are quite simple. With Covid postponing and canceling all in-person events, conferences, networking events and seminars have moved into a digital place which made professionals adapt to the new ways of networking.

Digital business cards are affordable and easy to create, but they can also be shared via links or QR codes which makes them perfect for the online world.

But, just because they’re easy to create, it doesn’t mean that you can slip up and make mistakes. That’s why, in this article, we’ll focus on some common mistakes you could make when you decide to create a digital business card.

Not Checking for Spelling Mistakes

Regardless of the type of professional document you’re creating, spelling mistakes are a big no-no. Unfortunately, small typos can easily be overlooked so we recommend that you use a spell checker.

Additionally, you can always send the card to someone you trust to check it for you. Fresh pair of eyes will more easily spot any potential issues.

Using Unprofessional Media

One of the great benefits of digital business cards is that you can add different forms of media to them. You can include headshots, PDFs, videos, company brochures, and even your portfolios.

However, you shouldn’t get carried away and use anything that could make you look unprofessional. Avoid using photos from beaches, clubs, bars, and other similar places. Make sure that your face can be clearly seen because your contacts will remember you better that way.

And just like with spelling errors, you can send the card to someone you trust for vetting before you start sending it to prospects and networking contacts.

Not Including Relevant Links and Contact Information

No business card is complete without contact information, so make sure you include a professional email address, your work phone number, and your business address if necessary.

Besides that, when you create a digital business card, you’ll have an option to include various links, like your website and social media. If it’s relevant to your business, you can include your Instagram or TikTok accounts. But if you’re in an industry that doesn’t really use these types of platforms, keep it professional and include your website and LinkedIn profile.

Not Including a Call to Action

Another great thing about digital business cards is the fact that you can include customized call-to-action sections. Depending on the type of your business, and the goals you’re trying to achieve with your contacts this call to action can lead people to your sales page, or to your LinkedIn profile.

In any case, you should maximize the use of your digital card and add a call to action.

Wrapping Up

If you’re looking to create a digital business card you need to be careful. They are extremely easy to create, but mistakes can happen. Just follow our short guide, and make sure you have someone check your card before you start sharing it at events.

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