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Shocking MacBook Pro Information Confirmed by Apple

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Details surrounding the production of the new MacBook Pro has been revealed.

Apple today has confirmed that they will be working to manufacture the 16 inch MacBook Pro with environmental-friendly materials. It will be the first laptop to feature a low-carbon aluminum material.

The move underscores Apple’s commitment to making their facilities produce zero carbon emission by the year 2030. The company’s press release state that they have already reached the goal of being ‘carbon neutral’ in global corporate operation aspects.

Through collaborative efforts and investments Apple has started development of carbon-free aluminum processing. This technology will be used to make the 16 inch MacBook Pro.

The MacBook Pro will be joined later by the Mac and the MacBook lineup, after which the new material will be used on all Apple products. Currently, there’s no way consumers can know if the Apple product they buy contains the new material, nor can they choose to get them instead of the older ones.

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